Wednesday 22 June 2011

Francis Alys

Francis Alys is an artist that conveys his work through performance. He tested seven drugs each day and was recorded to see the reactions the drugs cause. I think his work is interesting and also innovative. His work is more performing than painting and the method; I think is extreme but also interesting.

Monday 20 June 2011

Passion and Obsession - My A2 Project

I have decided to follow the obsession and passion of escapism, how people escape thier dilemas day to day; what they deal with which contributes to forcing the person to try and escape his/her reality.

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I found this street artist who works on walls, billboards, paper, wood etc. I thought his work on the walls was fascinating and it caught my eye more than his other works. His name is Alexandre Farto but known as Vhils. This picture I think it’s amazing because he works with the wall he works on, and produces realism from it, which makes his work very interesting.


Source : Click here.